Our products are known for their high quality and long service life. This is demonstrated time and time again by the satisfaction of our customers. The standard of our manufacturing on site in Germany contributes to this high quality. With these excellent conditions, special requests from our customers can be accommodated at any time. Fast and flexible production times are self-evident in this area for us. We always take care that your requests as a customer are tended to as quickly as possible and your fully unique solution can be used.
We look forward to hearing from you. You can reach our reception on +49 3671 5721 0. From there you will be connected with the right person or you can simply choose with whom you would like to speak for yourself.
Choosing partnersReach your destination quickly. Here are several different directions detailing how to travel here. Choose the best route to us for yourself.
Your route to usWe offer you a permanent job in a family-run company. Take this opportunity and change to RSP.
Finding a job.We focus on quality and a long service life. The standard of our manufacturing on site in Germany contributes to this high quality.
Learn more.From the dream to the product ready for series production. Learn more about the development of RSP.
Find out more about RSP.RSP regularly publishes news and press reports from the company. Journalists receive the latest information here, press releases in several languages and freely usable press pictures for editorial reporting.
PressOur media library contains videos, photos, leaflets and flyers on our products.
Find out more.
You want to experience RSP suction excavators live and see and try out our innovations? Visit us at an exhibition in your area.
Go to our exhibitions.You can find helpful tips in the RSP blog for using our suction excavators and its accessories.
Go to RSP Blog.The VAK member companies develop and produce innovative, energy-efficient and resource-saving equipment .
more about VAKThe GSTT promotes the ecologically and economically exemplary trenchless construction and maintenance of all kinds of ground cables.
more about GSSTThe Association of the Construction Industry, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering e.V.
more about VDBUM